
App My Destiny - វាសនាខ្ញុំ

Scientific Feng Shui App

App My Destiny-វាសនាខ្ញុំ

App My Destiny - វាសនាខ្ញុំ includes Bazi’s function enabling us to keep track of our daily zodiac, and it comprises a number horoscope that permits us to figure out whether or not our phone number, house number, vehicle plate number, and bank account number are good; and the Chinese compass (Luo Pan) allows us to calculate the positive and negative energies from each direction so that we can take preventative actions.

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App Features

Basic Info

It enables the users to access useful and informative data such as whether or not the day master of one’s Bazi is strong, which category the four pillars will fall under, favorable colors, advantageous careers, and other significant details. 



By entering their date and time of birth, users are capable of calculating their Bazi chart consisting of eight Chinese characters. With the guidance and help of the Bazi chart, we are able to forecast how our life stage will fluctuate and present opportunities based on the luck cycle shifting forward every ten years in which we can also track it annually, monthly, daily, and every two hours.  

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App My Destiny- វាសនាខ្ញុំ has offered us two distinct categories of compasses: the first one makes it feasible to calculate the positive and negative energy directions, and the second one exhibits the flying star chart annually, monthly, daily, and every two hours. These compasses, therefore, carry a real intangible influence on our daily lives.

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Number Horoscope 

This feature allows users to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of their phone number, house number, vehicle plate number, and bank account number.

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App My Destiny - វាសនាខ្ញុំ

App My Destiny - វាសនាខ្ញុំ adheres to international standards by displaying a variety of Feng Shui and Bazi applicable and practical formulas available to be downloaded from the Play Store for Android users and the App Store for iOS device owners. 

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